NAA Launches New Rent Control Resources

GIAA Resources, News,

Across the country, rent control continues to be explored by lawmakers at all levels of government despite the stifling effect it has on local economies. In order to help our members, affiliates and advocacy network argue against rent control and rather for sustainable solutions that increase the supply of affordable housing, the National Apartment Association (NAA) has revamped its website’s rent control resources.


What's New:

  • A quick-refence map of rent control policies in each state;
  • Updated advocacy and operational information on rent control’s impact on the rental housing industry;
  • A collection of downloadable resources, including original research on rent control’s economic effects; and
  • The most recent legislative updates and other related content.


What’s Coming:

  • An interactive map of all rent control laws at the state and local level across the United States.


Check out the rent control policy page now!

Deeper Dive: For more information on NAA’s rent control advocacy, please contact Ben Harrold, Manager of Public Policy.